Biden Courts Another Mortgage Crisis

Housing officials double down on the policies that preceded the crash of 2008.

Wonder Land: The attorneys general of 19 states have sent a letter to JPMorgan Chase, accusing it of discrimination against conservative religious groups. The bank denies it. The business of America should become business again, not politics. Images: Zuma Press/Bloomberg News Composite: Mark Kelly

The Biden administration is making moves that could imperil the safety of the housing finance system. Recent mortgage pricing changes, which have generally decreased fees for borrowers with lower credit scores and increased fees for those with higher scores, have rightly garnered public outcry, but they are the tip of the iceberg. The administration’s other changes require just as much attention, particularly since the reigning mantra of the White House is to strengthen “racial equity and support for underserved communities”—regardless of who gets hurt or how much it costs.

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