Canada Follows U.S., Europe With TikTok Ban on Government Devices

Prohibition emerges days after Canadian regulators opened probe about TikTok’s privacy policies

TikTok is at a crossroads, as U.S. concerns about its Chinese ownership grow. Some officials have explored the idea of forcing a sale to a U.S. company. WSJ explains the challenges of making that happen. Illustration: Preston Jessee

OTTAWA—Canada on Monday followed the lead of the U.S. and European Commission and banned the TikTok app from government-issued devices, citing an “unacceptable” level of risk to privacy and security.

The prohibition in Canada, effective Tuesday, would add to a patchwork of bans affecting government employees in the U.S. and Europe, based over national-security concerns about TikTok’s owner, Beijing-based ByteDance Ltd. Some U.S. and European lawmakers and officials have expressed concern that Beijing could force TikTok to hand over data on its users, or to influence the videos they view.

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