India’s Gautam Adani Wants to Redevelop Giant Slum From ‘Slumdog Millionaire’

Billionaire’s Adani Properties is expected to get contract to replace narrow streets and shanties of Dharavi in center of Mumbai

Mumbai has had plans to raze Dharavi—a densely populated city within a city—for nearly 20 years. Ishan Tankha for The Wall Street Journal

MUMBAI—Billionaire Gautam Adani has become India’s largest airport operator. He runs coal mines and the country’s largest private port. Now he has set his sights on a massive redevelopment of India’s most iconic slum.

Dharavi, a slum in the center of Mumbai, gained international fame after being featured in the 2008 Oscar-winning film “Slumdog Millionaire.” It was well known to many Indians long before that, and the city of Mumbai has had plans to replace its shanties with gleaming high-rises for nearly 20 years.

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