The 1967 Film That Foretold Daniel Penny

In ‘The Incident,’ two thugs torment subway riders until a young soldier intervenes.

Review and Outlook: A crowdfunded defense fund now exceeds $2 million for a 24-year-old Marine veteran who intervened to subdue a mentally ill man behaving erratically on the New York City subway. Images: Reuters/Zuma Press/Getty Images Composite: Mark Kelly

Opinions of what constitutes justice for Daniel Penny run the gamut. Mr. Penny, a former Marine, is charged with second-degree manslaughter for putting Jordan Neely in a chokehold in a New York subway car on May 1. Lennon Edwards, an attorney for the Neely family, asserted that the only “full cup of justice” would be a murder conviction. Mr. Penny’s lawyers predict their client will be fully exonerated, arguing that he merely “stepped in to protect himself and his fellow New Yorkers.”

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