Understanding ChinaNews & analysis

U.S. Think Tank Reports Prompted Beijing to Put a Lid on Chinese Data

Some reports based on publicly available information alarmed officials

Officials in Beijing have become increasingly concerned about data security as a result of Western online sleuthing. Photo: Wang Zhao/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

A recent campaign to restrict overseas access to China-based data sources was partly triggered by a drumbeat of U.S. think tank reports on sensitive Chinese practices that alarmed Beijing, according to people with direct knowledge of the matter.

Increasingly worried about perceived Western threats, Beijing in recent weeks expanded an anti-espionage law and stepped up pressure on foreign companies specializing in collecting information, such as auditors, management consultants and law firms. In addition, access to Chinese databases including Shanghai-based Wind Information has tightened for foreign think tanks, research firms and other nonfinancial entities.

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